Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I was hoping to get a good distance run in over the weekend in Saskatoon, but weather conspired against me. That, and I was having too much fun spoiling my grandson. So today was my first run in about five days.

Just to keep it interesting, I crossed the river at Prince's Island right off, and headed east. I thought about running the short zoo loop, but for what I was planning, it probably would have been too long. So I crossed back at Edmonton Trail.

From there, it was past the cranky parents of a single fuzzy Canada gosling. Wings spread and hissing, they don't back down. There was a girl ahead of me that walked gingerly by them, and I don't blame her.

From there I headed all the way west to 14th Street, crossed to the south side of the river again, ran back along the promenade to Prince's Island, then homeward.

My right calf was awfully tight for most of the run, but at about the 8 km point, I realized I wasn't noticing it any more. Since I got home, I've been stretching it. I hope the tightness doesn't linger.

Distance: 10.12 km. Time: 55:15 Average speed: 11.0 kph.

Shoes: Saucony Grid Phoenix (Yellow) A.

Weather: Mostly cloudy and 10C.

The Calgary Marathon is in 46 days.

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