Thursday, August 31, 2006

Tough Day, Tough Week

I don't know what's up with that. But it seems to be a kind of yo-yo week, with emotions and energy bouncing up and down, day-by-day, even hour-by-hour. So tonight's run wasn't easy.

I ran down to the river by way of The Path Under The Stairs, to 14th Street and crossed to the south side. Then back all the way to Centre Street and up the bridge and Nony's Awful Little Hill.

It wasn't all that busy out there, but still lots of runners and cyclists. My legs seem to hurt more than usual. Even now I feel a little achy. Just more of that up and down, I think. Feeling OK one minute, then crappy the next. Hopefully it'll end with the work week tomorrow.

Today's run:
Distance: 7.34 km. Time: 41:41. Average speed: 10.6 kph.

Weather: Mainly sunny and 16C.

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