Friday, April 01, 2005

Nony's First Run

Nony has asked that I help get her into running. That is so cool, especially cuz I have a friend I can run with now. It will likely be no more than once a week, mostly, but still, it's so motivating to share that time out on the running trails, so I'm thrilled.

Nony has an amazing fitness regimen that she follows, and she's been pretty dedicated. But running is a lot different than what she usually does, so we decided to start her slow. I've suggested that she do intervals, as that was what worked for me all those many months ago. So we have her doing ten minute intervals: two minutes running and eight walking to start.

Today's run:
Distance: 4.49 km. Time: 39:28. Speed: 6.8 kph. I forgot to set up the intervals on the GPS, so the data's all kinda screwy.

Weather: Mainly sunny and 11C, with brisk winds from the west south west at 55 kph, gusting to 67. Bleah - good old dusty, dirty Calgary.

In eyeballing the data, it looks like we easily were running at 9.5 kph, so it was a very respectable first effort. Way to go, Nony!

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