Saturday, December 18, 2004

70 Metres Short of a Half.

Wonderful day for a run, especially a distance run. I decided to get out first thing this morning, so I was in the parking lot at the park just after 8:00. Then I headed east, along the usual path. Managed to get all the way from Glennfield to Mallard Point, which is pretty much the northern most point in the park.

And the parks people, bless them, had unlocked the Mallard Point bathrooms. Things was getting tense! Cottonwoods just don't grow that thickly, and there's nothing out that way but cottonwoods and grass - nothing to hide behind!

Today's run:
Distance: 17.43 km. Time: 1:52:00. Speed: 9.3 kph.
Rest distance: 2.50 km. Rest time: 27:36.
Total distance: 19.93 km. Total time: 2:19:36.

Weather: Partly cloudy and -5C to start, but getting to about 1C by the end. I was out about a half hour before sunrise (at 8:35) but it was another 20 minutes past that before I was in actual sunlight. I was screened by the bluff across the river with all the monster houses on it. I think the subdivision is called Mountain Park.

Ran the paved path all the way out, and the shale on the way back. The shale path hugs the river most places and in some of those sheltered little draws it stays pretty chilly.

Great morning, great run. I felt great, and still do. Awesome.

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