Sunday, November 14, 2004


Just signed up for the Resolution Run, happening Dec 31 here in Calgary. As it is happening simultaneously in several centres, my sibs have also signed up in their respective communities. Looking forward to it, having not a clue what I'm getting into.


Shane said...

Way to go! Hey how come your Resolution Run is 8Km's while ours is only 5?

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congrats on signing up for your first run! What a way to start the new year.
I was reading your earlier posts and, as for your achiness below the knee, while I know nothing about shin splints, are those fairly new runners you are wearing? In conversations I have had with runners, it seems they really go through lots of shoes. With all that pounding, the support inside seems to break down quicky... just a thought.

A. Nony Mouse