Saturday, March 26, 2005

Climbing Back From a Cold

Finally got out this morning, after struggling with a cold for the last week. I was going to go farther this morning too, but my chest is still congested and breathing was hard at times. Still, I was out for over an hour.

Started east on 8th Avenue, down to the Nose Creek path and south to the Bow River. The path squeaks between Deerfoot Trail and the river, past the weir, all the way down to 17th, which is where I crossed the river, and headed back to the west. Lovely path along the Pierce Estate Park and the fish hatchery past the weir. Then it bends into the Inglewood a bit, before you get to the old iron bridge to the zoo.

I was going to continue along the south side of the river at least until Centre Street, but I was beginning to cough a bit and my chest was a little achy, so I crossed the bridge, past the Zoo, over Memorial Drive and up Tom Campbell hill, 13th Street, Child Avenue to 8th Avenue and home.

Still quite a long run:
Distance: 10.7 km. Time: 1:03:00. Speed: 10.2 kph.
Rest distance: 671.8 m. Rest time: 6:55.
Total distance: 11.37 km. Total time: 1:09:55.

Weather: Cloudy and -1C, actually more hazey than anything. Not any noticeable breeze, so a very nice morning.

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