Sunday, June 08, 2008

Playing Tag

I was tagged by She Who Makes Waves

Here are the rules and my reply.
* Just copy the following onto your post.
* The rules of the game are posted at the start of your blog post.
* I'm asking you five questions about running.
* Each player answers the five questions on their own blog.
* At the end of your post you tag other people and post their names.
* Go to their blogs, leave a note saying they've been tagged then to look at your blog for details.
* When they've answered the questions on their own blog, they come back to yours to tell you.

1. How would you describe your running 10 years ago?
Ten years ago, I tried running for a couple of weeks, but gave it up cuz it hurt. A lot. In retrospect, I probably had the wrong shoes and ran too far. Also, I got some really bad advice (see below) from those who I would have thought would have been a little more supportive. My first real run, the one that started all this, was April 5, 2004, for a little under 4 km. It was two months before I told anyone what I was doing.

2. What is your best and worst run/race experience?
Best - the Harvest Half in 2006, a gorgeous, sunny fall day. I managed a PR of 1:50:03. That's a 5:13/km pace, which for me is fantastic.
Worst - Calgary Marathon in 2007. Everything began to hurt by about 12 km, and it got worse from there. I think I finally stopped feeling those specific hurts sometime last February.

3. Why do you run?
It's something I can do by myself. It's not about winning and losing. I don't have to rely on others to run, join a team, attend league meetings and play to a schedule, and equipment-wise it's relatively cheap. It's also calming, envigorating, and it gets me off my ass and out the door in a blizzard or downpour or whatever kind of weather. There are a whole lot more reasons I could list.

4. What is the best or worst piece of advice you've been given about running?
Best - Go slow at the start. Increase my pace and distance in small increments
Worst - I shouldn't even try to run, because I'm not athletic, I'll wreck my knees and spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair, and I'm at that age where I'll probably drop dead from a heart attack.

5. Tell us something surprising about yourself that not many people would know.
Not sure how surprising this is, but a very long time ago, I was a radio DJ and news reporter for a couple of years.

I have no idea at the moment who I could tag to carry this on...


Rachel Jayne Stevenson/Rogers said...


I enjoyed reading your answers. Keep on running.

Kelly said...

Thank you! And thanks for reading.