Saturday, January 15, 2005

New Shoes, Too

Finally, the weather breaks enough so I can get out. Two days ago we had windchills around -44C. There were some seriously endangered brass monkeys somewhere.

But I didn't sit idle. Went down to the running store and got me a new pair of shoes.The odometer on the old ones had clicked over the 900 km mark and I was beginning to feel sore in parts that I never felt before, so it was about time, I think.

I got the same make and model as before, but this time with red and grey highlights. Just stylin'! My brother Shane got new ones too.

I got some fantastic times today, too. Check this out:

Today's run:
Distance: 8.81 km. Time: 54:00. Speed: 9.8 kph.
Rest distance: 510.9 m. Rest time: 5:00.
Total distance: 9.32 km. Total time: 59:00.

Weather: Sunny and -15C, and no wind chill.

Ain't the times a hoot? Crossed my finish line just as the rest period started on the sixth interval, hence all the even time numbers. The actual running time was 54 minutes and 0.34 seconds, but why quibble?

I think I got the cloths figured out too. Just enough layers to stay reasonably warm, without the usual overheating, and over-sweating.

Heck, I didn't even have to wait for a walk light at any of the controlled intersections I crossed. Uncanny timing, and just a fun and fast (for me) run.

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