Sunday, February 08, 2009

Pushing It, Weather-wise

I dressed for warm weather, and then wondered what the heck I was thinking for the first fifteen minutes of the run. It wasn't bad on the bluff, and then down Nony's Awful Little Hill and the Centre Street Bridge. But once I got to the promenade and started running into what little wind there was, It was a bit chilly on the legs.

Still, after that, the shorts and tee idea seemed more reasonable, so that once I passed Eau Claire, it felt quite reasonable. Still for the entire run, I saw only one other person in shorts.

It had been sunny and clear earlier when I was out for my usual morning wander to the coffee shop, but some high cloud had moved in by the time I got out for running. I suppose it's not that big a difference in February, the sun is still pretty low in the sky.

There was lots and lots of traffic today. So many runners out, I suppose the house bound and others just wanting to get out in the good weather. Also, I imagine the more serious of them are beginning training for this year's races, which begin to happen in the next few weeks.

Meanwhile, I'm still running on some kind of high octane I-don't-know-what, running way faster than what I thought was my normal pace. This morning it started right away, and I just got faster as I neared the turn around point. On the way back, I pretty much peaked, with at least two intervals under 5 min/km - way fast for me.

And I still feel better than ever out there. No real aches and pains to speak of. Not feeling overworked in either the legs or the lungs. And The Stairs seem to be getting easier. Something seems to be working.
L n K
Distance: 16.32 Time: 1:24:32
Average speed: 5:10 min/km. (11.58 kph)
Rest distance: .8341 km. Rest time: 9:00.
Total distance: 17.15 km. Total time: 1:33:32.

Shoes: Asics GT-2130.
Today's earworm: The theme from the 70's TV show Dallas.

Weather: Mainly sunny and -1C, climbing to 6C.

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