Wednesday, March 15, 2006

What a Week!

Too much stuff going on, and I haven't been able to get out like I want. I took the afternoon off to get some pressing matters dealt with, and found I got them done a little early, so I had time for a run.

Not sure I like running during the afternoon rush hour. I found myself breathing a lot of bus exhaust, and the smell still lingers. Bleah. But it was a nice run nonetheless. The fog that's been hanging over the city all day gave a little bit of atmosphere, too.

I headed to the river, by way of The Path Under The Stairs, then along the north side all the way to Crowchild. Crossing to the south side, and heading back toward downtown, I met lots of cyclists out, and a few runners. It's a pretty quiet time of day. I went all the way to Centre Street and back home, up Nony's Awful Little Hill.

Today's run:
Distance: 10.24 km. Time: 52:27. Average speed: 11.7 kph.
Rest distance: 482.5 m. Rest time: 5:00
Total distance: 10.72 km. Total time: 57:26

Weather: Fog and -4C. Good conditions, but the pollution from the rush hour traffic made it challenging.

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