Sunday, December 18, 2005

Chilly Sunday Morning

Kinda cool this morning, as it took twenty minutes or so to warm up. My face was aching a little until then.

I was supposed to meet Byron the birthday boy at the Y this morning, but methinks he's had too many Christmas parties (up and at 'em, ya nancy!) Anyway, 'twas me alone in the cold.

I headed off westward, on the south side of the river to Edworthy. The ice from those natural springs was fairly built up and pretty slippery in parts, where the water was running over it. Other parts were slushy and oddly sticky. Someone must go there every day and dribble a little gravel across it on one side, which gives you a not so treacherous path across the ice. But it sinks into the ice fairly quickly, so I imagine it has to be redone a couple of times a day.

Not a whole bunch of people out. I passed very few below Spruce Cliff. Once around the bridge at Edworthy and across to the north side, traffic picked up. A few large groups, probably from one of the Running Room stores, and a couple of groups with lots of Calgary Roadrunners windbreakers.

I started off slow, and thought that's what the day was going to be like, but once on the way back downtown, I found myself picking up speed, so the return trip went quite fast.

Today's run:
Distance: 13.74 km. Time: 1:15:29. Average speed: 10.9 kph.
Rest distance: 779.3 m. Rest time: 8:00
Total distance: 14.52 km. Total time: 1:23:25

Weather: Sunny and -17C, rising to -15C. I'm still chilled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, who's nancy and how did she get dragged into this??? :)

I wondered if you would be out in the cold for a run this morning... I should have known better!
