Sunday, June 11, 2006

Back Into Distance

Back to doing distance runs on Sunday, and it sure does feel great. I've been missing the long runs, the ones that feel good to finish, that aren't so long that I'm done for the rest of the day. The reason I want to get back into distance is that I've signed up for the Calgary Half Marathon on July 9.

Today I ran across Centre Street, and along the promenade. I kept going on the south side of the river until Edworthy. I love the stretch below Spruce Cliff. Crossing over at Edworthy, I headed back toward downtown, but staying on the north side of the river. At the suspension bridge to Prince's Island, I climbed up to it and up The Path Under The Stairs, and then home.

On the promenade, I found myself just ahead of the Walk for Miracles. On the return trip I caught up to the crowd near the CBC building, and had to contend with heavy walking traffic until the C-Train bridge. They had a great day for it, and what looked to be a great turnout.

Today's run:
Distance: 16.64 km. Time: 1:31:00. Average speed: 11.0 kph.
Rest distance: 1.02 km. Rest time: 10:00
Total distance: 17.66 km. Total time: 1:41:00

Weather: Cloudy and 11C.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would say you have really bounced back well after that marathon!
