Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Sun Sets on Tonight's Run

I didn't get home until a little later than usual, so it was also later than usual for getting out to run. About this time of year, the days are short, and the sun sets early. I noticed it was gone from the sky on the last couple of kilometres. Kind of sad somehow, summer is definitely over and soon another snow will come that won't go away the next day.

I ran to 14th Street, then back to Edmonton Trail again. There seemed to be lots of runners out, and that might be due to the time. I've found that the 5:00 to 6:00 seems to be devoid of runners, but the start to come out during the supper hour.

Today's run
Distance: 10.49 Time: 1:00:40
Average speed: 5:47 min/km. (10.06 kph)
Shoes: New Balance 769 (Yellow 1).
L n K

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