Sunday, January 04, 2009

A Stunning Morning

It's just gorgeous out there.Clear and cloudless again, and warmer than yesterday. There's a dark grey mass brooding behind the mountains in the west, but that's a hundred kilometres away.

I made sure not to over dress this time, just a light cotton tee between the technical and the windbreaker. And a running cap. The first ten minutes were very cold. My ears were freezing and I was a little chilled.

The second ten minutes were much better, and after that, it was perfect. I was running into a headwind, just a light breeze, but I could feel it. But it was great.

There's lots of ice on the river, and there are channels where the fastest water cuts through it. Very shallow and very noisy, as it's a very fast current. Places are like rapids, where water tumbles over rocks and ice.

At Angel's cafe I just turned and retraced my steps. I thought briefly about crossing to Edworthy and taking the trail below Spruce Cliff, but I'd beat myself up enough last week back there.

At Crowchild, I crossed the river to the south side, and continued on toward the promenade. I continued on to the promenade, and at Jaipur bridge, decided to continue on to Centre Street. It adds about four hundred metres to the run, and Nony's Awful Little Hill is a way easier climb than The Path Under the Stairs.

Still a beautiful run, and a great morning.

Distance: 15.72 Time: 1:32:09
Average speed: 5:51 min/km. (10.24 kph)
Rest distance: 1.04 km. Rest time: 10:00.
Total distance: 16.77 km. Total time: 1:42:09.

Shoes: Asics GT-2130.
Today's earworm: Borsalino by Tommy Emmanuel.

Weather: Sunny and -11C.

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