Friday, April 01, 2005

West Coast Debriefing

I'm home now, back in brown and dusty Calgary. Had a lovely drive home, in spite of that. And now I've got my GPS data and pictures downloaded, so here's the definitive numbers on this week's runs:

Monday's run:
Distance: 10.36 km. Time: 1:01:53. Speed: 10.0 kph.

Monday's elevation profile:

Notice the maximum elevation. We started at about 23 metres above sea level.

Wednesday's run:
Distance: 9.84 km. Time: 59:43. Speed: 9.9 kph.

Wednesday's elevation profile:

Again, notice the maximum elevation. There was a stretch where we lost the GPS satellite lock for awhile, hence the weird step in the graph.

All in all, I'm quite happy with the numbers. I managed to hold my own, mostly, and turned in quite respectable times, considering that I never run that kind of terrain out here in flat Calgary.

And a few pictures from the Monday run. This is pretty typical of where we were running. Forest on the right and farms/acreages on the left:

Or forest on the left and farms/acreages on the right:

This is the road past a series of quarries:

The one to the immediate left in the picture is being developed for housing. The one where they filmed Stargate is just around the corner at the end of the road, to the left.

And finally, my bro', Shane, before he left me in the dust.

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